Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

We're in PA with Nana and Pop-pop Ball. South Bend, IN is next on the list to visit Pop-pop Donne and Nana Carmen. Then, we'll shoot down to B-ton for New Year's weekend. See some of you real, real soon. We'll post some pics when we get back to Nashville!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Saturdays with Thomas, CH After like, a month

Wait a minute...don't I know you?

Oh, yeah! Now I remember....sorry, it's just been such a long time. Mama grounded me for like, a jillion years from blogging, so my memory is a little slippery when it comes to remembering faces. But- it's good to be back.

Soooo...alot has happened since I've last seen you. Like, for instance, I got to meet my Pop pop Donne and Nana Carmen for the first time ever. Boy, were they lively and fun! Especially my Nana Carmen- she even spoke to me in Spanish! I had no idea what she was saying, but it sure sounded nice, 'cause I was always smiling when she did it! Here are some pics from their visit.

Another thing that happened was Thanksgiving- my very first one! My Grandmother was nice enough to fly my Papa, Mama, and me up to Michigan to have Thanksgiving with her and Grandpuddin'. This is me and Grandmother.

Here I am with Papa at Thanksgiving dinner. That's Greatgram Ruth in the background. She was very sweet and brought me some presents. Yep. It pays to be cute:)

I ate a little bit too much, and I conked out on Mama's lap.

Some other cool things have happened since we last met. For instance, I've learned to roll onto my side.....

.....I'm noticing my toys alot more and learning how to play with them....

My feet are getting bigger and stinkier...

.....and Papa's teaching me how to build fires.

Here are some other pictures just because I'm cute:

I'm totally looking like Mama here.

My family. I love my Papa and Mama:)

Friday, December 08, 2006

New Post coming tomorrow p.m.

I know, I know, I'll see the little tike sometime tomorrow night. No, seriously. I really mean it this time.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Saturdays with Thomas, CH Momma's day off

"The General" is grounded from blogging this week, so you 'll have a post sans sassiness:) Don't worry- I'll post some pictures in a moment. But for now, I am enjoying some relished time off....ahhh...

Don't get me wrong; I love being a momma. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But my sweet hubby has agreed to let me have one Saturday a month to myself. Presently, I am sitting in the middle of a crowded Panera, enjoying a nice cup of dark, roasted brew. ( I just saw a very pregnant woman walk by. I can't help but think, "Ha! ha! You're pregnant and I'm! At least, I'm not pregnant this week anyway!) And yet, don't get me wrong on this count either- I think I had a pretty decent pregnancy and a more than decent delivery. I thank God for that! It's just nice to be able to bend over and touch my toes and to sleep on my stomach when that seems to be most comfortable. Anyway, I'm sure I just set myself up for a sudden pregnancy somewhere down the line...

Last night, I was extremely exhausted and not feeling so hot, so Nick went to my favorite Greek delicatessan and got me a Mediterranean sampler. It looked a little too good and I think I ate it a little too fast. I told Thomas that Momma's not going to have hummus and stuffed grape leaves for a long while now! But while I was enjoying my Greek epicurian delight, we took in "Ben-Hur." Nick had suggested it, and although I think I am a far superior movie-picker-outer, Nick really had outdone himself with this one. I had never seen it before, and I'm sorry that was the case- this movie is really worth while. And although it is fiction, it is a movie that is God-glorifying. I won't spoil the end for those of you who haven't yet seen it, but it makes me wish that I had been alive to see how the earth, humans (both dead and alive) were affected by the death of Christ. That must have been amazing to see. I've often thought how the heavens and earth responded to the coming and going of Jesus-the star in eastern sky, the earthquake and blackening of the sky, the dead arising from their tombs....was there that much pomp and circumstance with the birth or death of a caesar, a tzar, a renowned professor (one of Nick's just sat down at the table beside me...he has no idea who I am), a pharoah, a celebrity? And even at His second coming, we will see even more marvelous things, and all of the aforementioned will bow the knee to Him. Their power, influence, intellect, money, and accomplishments will mean nothing. Everything that we strive for- financial security, status, praise of others, relationships, abs of steel- will be absolved. All that will matter is Christ. And yet, knowing this should spur us ("us" mostly meaning me) to Christ mattering the most now instead of waiting until he appears in all His glory in the sky. ( A little rebuke to self...)

Okay, so onto our little one. Here he is; enjoy the pictures!

morning nap with papa... our little cherub:)

This was surprising, because his car seat is his least favorite place. But he was happy!

(.....fill in the blank....) Aaaahhh.....relief!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Saturdays with Thomas, CH I have no idea...

Hey all. T- man here. Or recently better known as "The General," as I am named after 'ole Stoney. Wow. I mean, who else has enough coolness to be a Sargeant Poopypants AND a General at the same time? *Sigh* There's just too much awesomeness on this post already....starting to get all emotional....I mean, no I'm not! Okay. Let's get down to business.

In my last post, I received a note from Princess Josephine that went a-little somethin' like-a this:

Dear Sgt. Poopypants,

As far as guys who can't speak English, don't have teeth, can't control their bodily functions, can't drive, don't have a job, and still live in their 'rents crib go, you're right up there, but long distance relationships don't work for me. Plus, Judah Kim is more man to love, so you've got some wooin' to do.

Yours Truly,
"Foxy" Josephine Moxey

Oh yeah, Fancypants? Well, does Master Judah Kim get THIS kind of attention from the ladies at a church bonfire???

This was my main squeeze for the night. Her name is Emmaline. Yeah, that's right. Princess Emmaline. Get a load of her, Princess Josephine. I mean, I hope you're not jealous or anyting...

Yeah. We hung out together. But, uh..don't tell Mama.

This is me in my bundled-upness. Ah, so cute.

Meanwhile, back at the's Mama and me. You can tell I'm not too happy about her taking up my camera space. But hey, she's Mama, so I guess I can let it go...

Whoa. I even look awesome with one sock missing. (Who does THIS remind you of, Nana Ball?)

So, Foxy Princess. I know you're probably calling all your girlfriends right now, going over every detail of what he said/she said, but uh...I'll be waiting for your call. If I'm not already talking to Emmaline, that is..

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Every OTHER Saturday with Thomas???

Hey all. Thomas J. here...a.k.a Stinkoman.

Anyways, I've been a little troubled lately by some other babies who will remain nameless, like Foxy "Josephine" Moxey and Macho "Micah" Gelok, crampin' my webspace. Yeah, they're cute and all, but we all know ("we" meaning me, my Mama, and Papa) everyone's favorite cyberbaby is Sgt Poopypants! I mean, check me out!, seriously...check me out...

Have you EVER seen better pecs, biceps, and six-pack abs on any other baby?? I didn't think so... Well, I finally got after Mama to post some more pics so the lady babies will be "all up ons." That is, until Mama beats them away with a broom or something.
Let's see how she did.....

Ah, good! One of me and my Pops. We hang out, shoot the breeze, cut the cheese, and drink from a bottle. (Except Papa's bottle says "Killian's" while mine says "Evenflo.")

This is me hangin' out with my number one woman- Mama. Here she is entertaining me between "feedtime" and "naptime."

This is naptime.....sort of. Yeah, you don't want to mess with me when I'm mad. (Except Papa and Mama don't really get that yet.)

Definitely naptime. Either that, or this was the day I tried out Papa's bottle instead of mine (..-er..I mean....nothing, Mama! Nothin' beats the old Evenflo....)

Who could ever resist this face???

Ah, yes! The sheik in all his majesty! Eat your heart out, Princess, Josephine! Yeah, I'm cool. I'm so cool, you don't even know mean....

..................YES, I'M AWESOME!!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Saturdays with Thomas, CH 3

Hi. I'm Thomas Jackson Nugent. But my papa calls me Sgt. Poopypants.

I'm going to tell you about my own little "day-in-the-life." Seeing that I'm only about 5 1/2 weeks old, I don't do much that is terribly interesting, but considering that I'm terribly cute, I'm sure it makes up for it!

My papa and mama have me on a schedule. See, they think way too much! So, before I was born, they read ALOT of books. My mama even read books on how to push me out! And I'm thinking...what do the mamas who can't read do? Do their babies stay in their tummies until they've finished "Hooked on Phonics?" Anyway, they read this book called "Baby Wise." The authors say that it's wise to feed me, change my diaper, then keep me awake, then put me to sleep- all in that order. This usually happens in three hour segments.

This is what happens first, and it's my FAVORITE part!

Here I am on my changing table. This picture was taken right after a MONSTER poop. It was so bad that mama had to go through two diapers!
You can tell that I feel soooo much better:)

This is me in my swing at wake-time. Other times, mama will sing or talk to me. Sometimes, I try to talk back by smiling and making little cooing sounds. I also move my mouth and stick out my tongue to try to copy what mama is doing. (Note: Mama got a little over-zealous with the overalls...I think those are meant for when I'm like, 6 months old!)

This is mama holding me at the end of waketime. I'm starting to get a little fussy. I don't know it yet, but I'm on my way to the crib for a nap. In fact, that's where I am right now......zzzzz....

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Saturdays with Thomas, CH2

Ok, so we have yet to post these episodes on Saturday, as per the title. We're still getting used to the eating/sleeping/pooping schedule, so just bear with us for a while. We'll make it one of these Saturdays....

Papa dressed me in this nighttime get-up and then said I looked like Luke Skywalker. Oh, yeah? Well, better that than Jaba the Hut, Old Man....