Saturday, October 28, 2006

Saturdays with Thomas, CH I have no idea...

Hey all. T- man here. Or recently better known as "The General," as I am named after 'ole Stoney. Wow. I mean, who else has enough coolness to be a Sargeant Poopypants AND a General at the same time? *Sigh* There's just too much awesomeness on this post already....starting to get all emotional....I mean, no I'm not! Okay. Let's get down to business.

In my last post, I received a note from Princess Josephine that went a-little somethin' like-a this:

Dear Sgt. Poopypants,

As far as guys who can't speak English, don't have teeth, can't control their bodily functions, can't drive, don't have a job, and still live in their 'rents crib go, you're right up there, but long distance relationships don't work for me. Plus, Judah Kim is more man to love, so you've got some wooin' to do.

Yours Truly,
"Foxy" Josephine Moxey

Oh yeah, Fancypants? Well, does Master Judah Kim get THIS kind of attention from the ladies at a church bonfire???

This was my main squeeze for the night. Her name is Emmaline. Yeah, that's right. Princess Emmaline. Get a load of her, Princess Josephine. I mean, I hope you're not jealous or anyting...

Yeah. We hung out together. But, uh..don't tell Mama.

This is me in my bundled-upness. Ah, so cute.

Meanwhile, back at the's Mama and me. You can tell I'm not too happy about her taking up my camera space. But hey, she's Mama, so I guess I can let it go...

Whoa. I even look awesome with one sock missing. (Who does THIS remind you of, Nana Ball?)

So, Foxy Princess. I know you're probably calling all your girlfriends right now, going over every detail of what he said/she said, but uh...I'll be waiting for your call. If I'm not already talking to Emmaline, that is..

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Every OTHER Saturday with Thomas???

Hey all. Thomas J. here...a.k.a Stinkoman.

Anyways, I've been a little troubled lately by some other babies who will remain nameless, like Foxy "Josephine" Moxey and Macho "Micah" Gelok, crampin' my webspace. Yeah, they're cute and all, but we all know ("we" meaning me, my Mama, and Papa) everyone's favorite cyberbaby is Sgt Poopypants! I mean, check me out!, seriously...check me out...

Have you EVER seen better pecs, biceps, and six-pack abs on any other baby?? I didn't think so... Well, I finally got after Mama to post some more pics so the lady babies will be "all up ons." That is, until Mama beats them away with a broom or something.
Let's see how she did.....

Ah, good! One of me and my Pops. We hang out, shoot the breeze, cut the cheese, and drink from a bottle. (Except Papa's bottle says "Killian's" while mine says "Evenflo.")

This is me hangin' out with my number one woman- Mama. Here she is entertaining me between "feedtime" and "naptime."

This is naptime.....sort of. Yeah, you don't want to mess with me when I'm mad. (Except Papa and Mama don't really get that yet.)

Definitely naptime. Either that, or this was the day I tried out Papa's bottle instead of mine (..-er..I mean....nothing, Mama! Nothin' beats the old Evenflo....)

Who could ever resist this face???

Ah, yes! The sheik in all his majesty! Eat your heart out, Princess, Josephine! Yeah, I'm cool. I'm so cool, you don't even know mean....

..................YES, I'M AWESOME!!